Creative destruction seems an appropriate concept to describe the current experience of my soul. Destruction is sure. The creative is a blind statement of faith. I am a man who loves his family yet have let them down. I am a man with some small success and reputation yet feel unaccomplished. I am a man who has experienced much yet feel ignorant and uninitiated. I am a man who carries deep compassion for others yet now have nothing to give. I am a lover of words and of the “profound” yet they ring shallow and hollow in my being.
I have pursued various pathways seeking the answers to the questions, the mate to the desires of my heart. I have always been afflicted by these motivations and they have brought both blessings and curses. As a boy odd questions would occur to me for which I could find no answer. The result was just more questions. This trait made me different in general and sensitive to process and in the higher levels of my education “profound”. It is funny to me that just by not recycling the same old concepts bandied about got me rewarded with A’s. Nothing really accomplished just mastered the education game. I did similar things with the athletic game, the religious game, the business game, the judicial, and the political games. Was rewarded with bits of paper and shiny things that allowed me to buy food, to survive, to keep playing the game. Sometimes there was even applause. Now mastered made be too strong a word. Its not like I won all of those games. It may be more correctly stated that I figured out that there were rules behind the rules of the games. And each had a Wizard behind the curtain keeping the Munchkins in line.
At each point there was a destruction and a reordering of me. So at least I have a history that re-creation follows the destruction. That is the faith part. The most recent experience had to do with the games that I had been playing. No longer focused on the outer games. Imagine my shock and wonder when I stepped, stumbled, and fell through my own curtain. As I lifted my gaze a river of horror and disgust flooded my soul when my eyes met my own looking back at me. I was the thing I said I despised, the Wizard. And now that Oz has crumbled, or is even now crumbling I sit looking at the ruin seeking something, anything to salvage. My sons have been watching this process for some months. Recently my eldest reminded me of a concept that had meant something to me, Plato’s Groove. My middle son reminded me of things that though true should not be printed in a public forum.:) They both have assisted me in their own ways. They even tried to help an old man figure out how to blog.
The idea of Plato’s Groove is creative and musical with the feeling of good jazz or R&B. It is philosophical in that it seeks truth or answers or even better questions beyond the curtain of the Wizard. It is spiritual for that is the energy of existence. It is that in which we live and move and have our being. It will endeavor to speak to the flow of creativity, a pull on the Soul toward truth and meaning and purpose. Answers to the questions of the heart, that which motivates the quest, and ultimately satiates desire, all are metaphors for the unique groove or flow our souls seem to seek, even yearn for. I come at Plato a bit indirectly and claim no real expertise except that which I know from my own experience. His cave analogy and rough ideas around the Real that exists and calls to us here in this shadowy and generally undefined existence are the hooks I hang such thoughts on.
So I will write. To whom? Ultimately I can not foresee. But I know one guy I hope to reach. He is in dire need. I saw it in my ashen face when I saw myself behind the curtain. As I sift through the rubble I find scattered all around me thoughts and ideas, poems and stories and songs that need a place to go and be. I have made for them a place and I called it Plato’s Groove. If you should wander in here be welcome. If you find something you need please help yourself (within all relevant copy-write considerations of course). And if you should like to leave something of yours please do as long as its helpful and honest and you are not stupid. Ignorance is welcomed. I have plenty. Can’t do much about stupid and I have enough for this site already. If something stupid is published here it will come from me. Hope You find your Groove!
Possibly out of subject , however ,About nature , I didnt know this , friend saw a hummingbird this a.m.& called me . he didnt know that ,2 days prior I’d seen a hummingbird come out of nowhere , stare right at me through my window pane, as if he were studying me .Had’nt seen one in long time Their wings work in the pattern of the infinity symbol . There is meaning behind that ,apply it to____ insert/apply to area of intrest . Having Native American roots , I have a strong sense of cognizantz, when in nature ,yet comfortable enough to go barefoot , and think nothing of it when my brother leaves his tackle box open I just pull fishing tackle box components out of my bare feet when I run across said components. Gardening is good for the soul , as our nutrients have to come from somewhere,which can be enlightening to city folks . The hummingbird has to get his nectar yet ,he doesn’t sweat it , Sparrow knows tommorrow is took care of .
I’m getting the Imperession , Im not posting my writings in the correct/ proper place . I dig the outfit , here . correct me , as to where i put any remarks on all this material I’ve read on here I’VE learned a lot , as I only write to reflect this . Spiritual , is the energy of our very existience . FAITH equals the history of our destruction and renewal . David had so much grace , chance after chance , a man after God’s own heart .Much respect for David in the Bible.
HOW will it be ? I owned everything Ive seen , did I sell my soul for complete control ? is that really what i need ? The rain falls slow down on the roof of uncertainty, I realized , who I am , then the sadness fell away from me . The circle in the trees was perfectly round , my focus shifted to watch the birds on the ground , My question was , why is the circle perfectly round? the answer ? everything comes back full circle .He that began a good work in me will see it through , full circle , despite the circumstances , deep heartfelt pain , he is working to renew me again .
Dear Platosgroove
We have been following each other’s blog for quite a while now. I want to thank you for that.
Thank you for all of the nice comments you have given me. As my blog grew I struggled to give as much in return as I was receiving. I am sorry for that.
Due to this, I am now moving my work to this newly created website:
I am staying on WP without much content shared. Wish you all the best ♡ ♡ You have a wonderful blog.
Love, Isabella
Much love my friend
Much love to you too ♡ ♡
“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.”
– Plato
Very nice! Thanks.
I had forgotten about this. Don’t know if you touched it up any, but it still stops me in my tracks.
As I sit back now and look over the last year of knowing you, I see how you have mellowed, like fine wine. The questions, the pilgrimage for truth are still there, but the tang that is tasted on the back of the tongue is not as sharp and bitter these days. You have dusted off the fine powder of time that has settled on your outsides as the wine and the wisdom has aged within. The bottle of your life has tipped and the wine, uncorked so it can breathe, has spilt leaving you feeling depleted and lacking. But it is the emptying of yourself, the draining of the bottle that has allowed the light to get in, to illumine the crevices of your soul so the questions, still to be answered, at least now are no longer seeing through that glass quite so darkly. And as Spirit like the wind rushes in to fill you, you are relaxing into the ebb and flow of your life. And in that current you have carried many of us along with you. May it ever be…
Morning friend. No mam I’ve not changed it. I need to go back and reread it. You are right that things have mellowed in the wake of me stepping out into this new territory. The journey could not have been what is was without you. Thank you.
I have learned so much just by observing… The biggest thing, as I said yesterday, is that things are not always what they seem.
Yes repost it if you will.
I can’t believe I’ve been talking with you nearly every day since January and I’ve not read this! It made my heart hurt — all the more for having known you so long now. You know you have my respect and admiration. Love you, dude.
It created a blog and Bardic Jazz.
Games and shadows. Two concepts that must, by necessity, be kept in mind whenever one contemplates reality.
I am usually on the computer in the wee hours of morning and confine myself to the silence. Perhaps, one wide open and bright afternoon I will return to listen to your audio.
The man behind the curtain of your blog stole my comment before it was complete.
I also wanted to say I have enjoyed what I have read so far and have consequently followed Plato’s Groove (fun title). I look forward to the play.
Grrr. I did not see that I could “Follow” on WordPress, so I attempted to subscribe via email. Tried twice. Error messages both times. What’s up with that?
I’m fairly new to this. I’ve had trouble too. Don’t know if its me or the site
Okay. I’ll check back.
Me too. If been a pastor a chaplain and now I am a redneck headshrink in a rural alabama county. Crackheads convicts and Baptists are my specialitys
Good morning new friend.
Have you ever read Ecclesiastes? The above sounds like a modern-day version (If you’ve read and don’t like, I assure you that this is not snark; I really like Ecclesiastes). Looking forward to reading more!
Makes me think of Rumi’s “Wean Yourself”
one of my favorite poems.
And where in the US are you from, because I was born in TN and your accent just gets me….. I haven’t been back there since I was three.
Raised in central Louisiana
between the BBpists and the CAtholics, the rednecks and the coonasses
Go to the home page and search for Cassandra Rewrite. Go to that page. A password will be required once. The password is Cassandra. I know. Thanks. This story uses a variety of formats. I’m curious whether or not they work, or if they impede and get in the way. I’ll post several sections over the next week to ten days.