I’m writing again. That usually signals danger. But sometimes something beautiful emerges. A new thought or image or direction. In my experience it seems that creativity at its heart is rooted in a desperate need to bring some kind of order out of chaos. I attempt to explain more fully in the pages that follow. Hope you find your groove!
Here’s a bit of silliness for a fellow award-free blogger.
Thank you for following my blog! I hope you find my spiritual outlook and natural approach to healing helpful! Cheers! Fred
I look forward to getting to know you
Wanted to extend you an invite to a new weekly photo challenge that I am hosting:)
Meet other bloggers and share your best take on the week’s theme: ‘enchanted’
Hope to see you at the exhibition:)
where are you from friend?
Originally central Louisiana. Been in Alabama since 1993.
oh sweet! how do you like it?
Hey, I have nominated you for this challenge.
Check it out in my post here
Keep writing and finding yourself.
It is beautiful as you are.
Thank you for playing.
Thanks for Liking my “Irrelevant” post, PG. Your poems and thoughts this week have been so nice. You must be a really warm and loving person.
I enjoy your writing
Thank you for stopping by and liking my post I appreciate the encouragement. In love and light Cheryle
I think you are doing great. look forward to following your blog
Beauty, sly, may don
Some strangely unforeseen gowns
While wooing our hearts
That’s beautiful
Thank you. And for the inspiration.
I am humbled that something I do has some positive effect outside my fantasy. So thank you
So you assume this exists outside your fantasy. Hmm. Interesting.
So. You believe I exist outside your fantasy. Hmm. Interesting.
I see little alternative.
I have nominated you for the Versatile Blog Award. You can find the rules on https://themissiontomars.wordpress.com/2015/04/02/the-versatile-blogger-award/
I hope you enjoy it!
Thank you for including me. I will have to figure out how do it. I am still a little slow figuring out how to do the links. Love your blog!
seems i love your attitude towards writing….so am “grooving” around here often 
Take your time..it’s all yours
Thank you. Things have been hectic and I have not attended to that. I am embarrassed. I hope I have not messed anything up. Did I?
No!! Not at all, just feel free, i don’t feel there’s anything to feel embarrassed at, it’s all the matter of one’s convenience
and i so understand the busy schedules everyone of us are entangled into with, so just be relaxed and keep it “groovy”
Smiles and wishes
Thanks for the like on my post today.
Coffee doesn’t like me very well. But now and then I sneak down to Starbucks for a raspberry mocha frappucino! Just stopped to pick Bran up. We’ve been car shopping. I think we’ve narrowed things down to a KIA or an Impala. GAWD I hate black, white, red, and silver! And I don’t believe for one minute the reason they told us that’s what all the cars those colors for. See ya later, dude. Hope the fish turns out great!
Bout to start
May the Lord multiply your blessings the way he did the fish!
Oh, and you don’t have to start right away. Just so long as they’re five days in a row.
Yes mam. Me and baby girl are thrift store shopping. I love that’s she’s got her own style. Especially since its all about $2.
I took a picture. Maybe I will use it in one of the stories
That’s the spirit! Can’t wait to see it. Blessings, Anam Cara.
Middle boys bringing girlfriend home grom college today. Getting ready to do Louisiana fish fry this evening
Have you guys met her before? Just enjoy them, dude. Push everything you can away for that little space between times. I’ll be praying it’s a relaxed time for the whole family.
Yes briefly. I creeped her Facebook and asked around. Seems like a good human. His last one was an Abercrombie model and an attention whore in my humble but accurate opinion. Bless her heart
LOL (I shouldn’t laugh really…) Spoken like a true Southern gentlemen! Hope you like this one better. A model though? Impressive catch!
Pretty women aren’t hard to get. Pretty human ones are more rare. Shoot he could be a model. And hes deep and can sing and write and kill a jazz keyboard. And has a southern accent. He don’t need to back up to anyone.
You’re not a wee bit prejudiced there are you, boyo?
LOL I KNEW that’s what you were going to say. I just finished up doing my Day Four picture post for tomorrow. We’re visiting the Kennedy Space Center. So now I’m off to fix HL some lunch and tackle yet ANOTHER freakin’ mound of laundry! I swear it’s a punishment from the Almighty him/her/itself! Themselves??? I must have been a laundress in a previous life — maybe the one AFTER the pirate wench!
I’ll be thinking of you this afternoon. If you’re not too tired before you “retire”, drop me a quick one-liner and let me know how you’re doing, how things went. In the meantime I’ll be thinking of you guys. <3
She’s very cute and personable. Georgia girl. Second year nursing student. And she likes strong black coffee.
Oh? Are you a Starbucks fan?
Not really. But like good coffee. Community dark roast is from Louisiana. Same as my grandfather drank.
Hey Plato!
I’m inviting you to join in the Five Photos, Five Stories Challenge. It’s just another way to get some needed exposure for our blogs. You are my day three person.
All you need to do is choose one random image each day and write a story about it. You can write fiction, non-fiction or a paragraph or merely a line describing your view behind choosing that image for the day. The picture does not have to be one that you’ve taken. Please include a “thanks” and pingback to my site. And the instructions listed at the bottom of the blog post. (You can look at my blog to see how Clare told me to do it.)
Then nominate one blogger everyday to keep the challenge going.
I’ll understand if you’ve got too much on your plate, but wanted to invite you anyway. It’s kind of short and fun.
Impromptu Promptlings…
Nice and interesting blog, Plato! Thanks for following “Known is a drop, Unknown is an Ocean”.
I am hoping to find my groove through reading and writing, and your blog is all that jazz. I look forward to hearing more from you.
I’m so glad you found your way here, Sam. You are two of my favorite writers on Word Press.
Thank you for stopping by and following my blog. It’s greatly appreciated.
Kind Regards,
Looking forward to learning of you through your work
Hey, Groovy, do you have a search box you can put in your sidebar? Like where someone can enter the name of a poem and it goes right to it? There’s one at the top of my page. I was going to search for The Offering and realized you don’t have one so will have to backtrack. You’re getting quite a few hits now. If you have one it might be a good thing to add so folks can find poems more easily. Just a thought.
You know Im not a smart man . . . but I know what love is . . . I will try and figure something out:)
You know what love is? Right over my head, dude…
Forrest Gump
Oh! I haven’t seen that movie for ages. I do remember that line. Yes, you do know what love is AND you are a very smart man.
Well I did manage to put a search thingy on the sidebar. I am so proud I know what to call it
Yes! That’s it! A Search Thingy! Hope you titled it that.
I will do that now
Done – Search Thingy
You make me laugh.
I liked your saying-am writing again and that signals danger..

In a way, i really want to take this “danger” and see where it can land me
Thanks so much for giving me the chance of finding you
Stay blessed and keep “writing”
Great to see your danger (I mean, writing)!
Keep posting!
Thank you for taking a look at my blog. I find that stability is much easier as I create/write/make something. My life is very rocky so, I write, I take photos, I make art, I dream about gardening.
I will get your posts now so I can see your work regularly
Thanks so much. I need to take a week off posting so I can read blogs now, but I have one more week of poetry class, then I can go back to posting three times a week, or so.
You know I feel the same way, I am writing again. trying to stick to it don’t like the feeling of forcing it but I’m trying to establish a routine. So you be groovy and exist boldy
I like that. Thank you. Exist boldly. Very cool.
I am excited because I am going to visit with my middle boy this weekend. We are going to put a couple of these old songs to music. He did the piano improv on the “Plato’s Groove”. Now that my children are grown and getting there I think I shall tell them to exist boldly as they seek their groove.
Yes, something my teacher told me in the past. Some writers write because its therapeutic and its just for them. Other writers write because they want to have a voice and be heard. I think the second is me. I just have to take time to figure out what im trying to say sometimes. Yes Live Out Loud & Free…Exist boldly in your groove.
“In my experience it seems that creativity at its heart is rooted in a desperate need to bring some kind of order out of chaos.”
Boy isn’t THAT the truth. BUT I think some chaos is necessary for creativity. I’ve always loved Nietzsche’s quote: One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star.
If this is what blogging is about it’s fun.
The destruction part sucks bad though