Locks and Keys
Lean into the wind
If it blows from behind it may topple
Like a trout, swim facing into the current’s force
To do otherwise is to float downstream
Seek out that which troubles
It is the signpost pointing the way
If the answer is unclear, then the question is too
That is what she taught me
The answer is known
It is the question that is elusive
For how does one answer a question unasked
There is no purchase, nothing to push against
Seeking answers in the light is random and blind
It is in the dark hidden places where the questions rest
A key is of no use without its mate
Collecting keys unlocks nothing and just become extra weight on the chain
The Way is often avoided, bargained with, and associated with evil
The illusion of light blinds lowering the glittering shades of darkness
Questions are waiting in the space never trod
The Spirit is there waiting to lead along the pathway of Truth
First seek the question, the lock, in the dangerous places
The key is already in your pocket