Locks and Keys – Live


Locks and Keys

Lean into the wind

If it blows from behind it may topple

Like a trout, swim facing into the current’s force

To do otherwise is to float downstream

Seek out that which troubles

It is the signpost pointing the way

If the answer is unclear, then the question is too

That is what she taught me

The answer is known

It is the question that is elusive

For how does one answer a question unasked

There is no purchase, nothing to push against

Seeking answers in the light is random and blind

It is in the dark hidden places where the questions rest

A key is of no use without its mate

Collecting keys unlocks nothing and just become extra weight on the chain

The Way is often avoided, bargained with, and associated with evil

The illusion of light blinds lowering the glittering shades of darkness

Questions are waiting in the space never trod

The Spirit is there waiting to lead along the pathway of Truth

First seek the question, the lock, in the dangerous places

The key is already in your pocket

The Turn – Live


The Turn

The Turn is made

The sun has begun its descent

The light now begins to wane, unveiling summer’s depth

The heat will slowly surrender its place

Making room for the coming, quickening Chill

Green gives up, bowing to Autumn’s palette

Rhythms shift, cadence slowly unwinds to match the pace of darkness and cold


My thoughts turn

My body knows before my mind can comprehend

That I will soon need your light and your heat in this new season

For Your light shines differently in the Darkness, a soft pearl white

Your warmth soothes and stills my restless Soul

The Color of ME


As part of our “happening” a lady brought a poem written by her son who died in 2013.  We composed a response and included his words.  What I learned was that asking what is the color of me is a much better question than what is my purpose.  The idea of “purpose” is just that, an idea.  It is not real except within the game.  Josh taught me that.  Thank you Josh.


What is the color of my life?

What is it’s fragrance?

What are the numbers of my days?

What is the pattern of my dance?

Who will join me on my way?

I am a doing and a being

Exquisite – Singular – Unique

My color, my fragrance, my pattern, make sense in you

You were strong when I was weak

We are one now and forever

I was with you for a time

You remember when my colors were ablaze

I am with you now till the end of days

Mother, Father, Brother, Sister, Lover

Roles we played for a time

But even when time is no more

I Am we Are still

I am yours and you are mine


Glorious Destruction – Song for the Beloved


Can I discover the beauty of you O my Soul?

By what way should I travel in my search?

Some said that if I could merely glimpse you I could rest from my wanderings.

I could be sustained by the glory of you.

The sweetness of your breath, the curve and shape of you, the music of your laughter and the light in your beautiful eyes.

They say before you I will die and be reborn at once.

You the object of my desire, where is your habitation?

I have known you from before forever.

You haunt my dreams.

You lie just outside my waking consciousness.

You have been the force, the pull, that restless hunger in me.

I am dry and barren and almost done.  I need to drink from Your spring that I may live.

I weep wanting you.  But the few tears I have left merely fall and disappear into the dust at my feet.

And my longings may very well break my heart.

But I would joyfully welcome the shattering of myself upon you that I might be pieced back together a better man.

Like a great clipper ship of old I long to crash on to your shores and be broken.

Guide me to that glorious destruction that I might be remade in You.