Come to My Senses – Live


Come to My Senses

No words for right now

Looking for the Stillness

Neon lights, noise, the buzz of traffic

The cooling warmth of the evening’s air

God’s child lost, trapped in flesh

Reduced to begging

He and I are brothers

Adrift, disconnected, longing

Tempted to kill the Moments and sleep

I Need to come to my senses

They are far from me

The faster I move the further I drift

I seek the space which is too deep for words

I can’t smooth the waves with my hands

Nor find the way with my noisy mind

Ego insatiable, walks tired pathways

Dull, two dimensional

I need to come to my senses

They are far from me

The Truth will set you free. There are no political Saviors


Whatever your current political program is, this is an example of a man awakened. If you know anything about me you know I don’t necessarily trust the other side either. There are only two states of existence, bound or free. And there are many forms of bondage/slavery /mind control within our culture. And they effect persons of every hue. Just different programs for different imaginary groups.  Groups chained to some identity planted by others for the purposes of control.  Chains may be of iron or gold but chains they remain. We the people still have the power and responsibility for everything that is going on. We allow everything that happens when we seek out Saviors and surrender our authority and responsibility to others.  If one still is under the spell that this is about color they remain asleep and a slave to the mind control.  This courageous man understands and has no fear.  There are no political saviors who will “do it” for us. We must say a collective No to the bullshit mind control. Scapegoats and Saviors are an illusion. You are free as soon as you truly want to be. Love casts out fear, and will say the truth, and then the truth will set you free.  Maybe I should do a video for the ones who believe the Republicans are on their side and will fix things.  Blessing – Love – Truth

Learn to Float – Live


Learn to Float

There is a particular note, chord, vibration of you, of me

It is our singular frequency which calls to us through the noise, the chaos of living

All too often we play the songs of others.

Willing, waiting, wishing for our own

But our song is only known in the Silence

It is not learned, It is remembered

Silence before the note

Always stillness before the beat

Music is not mathematics unless the song is only artificial Life

Learn to float

Let go of thinking and doing and Ego’s need

Listen, Remember your song

It is then you will Groove


Finding leads to losing, losing lets you find.  Living leads to dying and life leaves death behind.  Living leads to dying that’s all that I can say.  But no one will find life in any other way.  (Ken Medema)

I heard him sing a song with these lines in it 30 something years ago at a chapel service.  I remembered them again last night.