November 14th – Moonlight – Live


November 14th – Moonlight

I have sensed Her silvery shifting through the noise

Shrill sirens whistle and roll through the canyon walls of this town

Yet I can hear Her silence

I feel Her tug on my flesh

But it is my Spirit who answers

The far distant beacon

She is haloed in soft golden white light

And I balance on the edge of madness wanting Her

Flesh and mind and Soul, frantic

Wanting, needing, knowing my lack

Wishing, willing, waiting for what is not, now

Stretched to the limit of Being

I surrender, exhausted I let go

And She rushes to meet me

In that space between here and there,

Flesh and spirit, mind and matter, we Are

Time and travel irrelevant

We exist together in the moment, in the Now

Like Her life waxes and wanes

Change is all that is guaranteed

It comes unbidden

Striving makes little difference

Life comes as it wills

We want what we already possess

And disdain what might sustain us

She is close tonight

Her eyes reflected in the soft pearl glow

Proximity though is an illusion

Her movement, my perception

She and I are of the same Stuff

Might I learn to walk my path as beautifully as She

Apathy is the Spell – Live


Apathy is the Spell

Looking at the world like it’s playing on a screen

Mouth open, eyes glazed, passive

Media’s Archimedean Spiral seduces

And drains Life Force

Down, Down, Down, falling deeper

Into the Illusion, the Enchantment

Neither the Right nor the Left

Exists in the Real

You are Real, You are Living

Feeling, Feeding the Specters with Fear

Invisible chains of Hopelessness

Apathy is the Spell, Dependence the Prison

Separate Self, Unknown, reflected in the Mirror

Angry ones square off, fighting Windmills

Their own Evil projected onto the Other

Blood, Life Force spilled out, redirected

Game Masters gleefully gorging on the carnage

Lanistas of Race and Religion and Politics, enriched

Masses mesmerized by artificial War

Disengaged from the True Battle

Yet you Live, You Are

Allow the Creator to Kiss you Awake

Shake off the webs of apathy and fear

They are only thoughts and biology, Illusions

You though, are eternal, immortal, invisible

Open your eyes, blink off the scales

You already Know, You have Already Won

The 5th of November



These are crazy feeling and dangerous times. Be watchful,  mindful, and centered.  It seems that a clash is coming.  the cool thing is that “Love casts out fear.”  in the end no one needs the blow anything up.  A simple collective “No!” would collapse all the evil schemes.  They only exist because we allow them to.  Love is not some sappy, nice feeling, emotional state.  Love is – Not fear.  Do not fear.  Stand. Resist the false world.  It has already been overcome.

“Remember, remember the fifth of November of gunpowder treason and plot. I know of no reason why the gun powder treason should ever be forgot.”