Subtle, restlessness stirs still
No longer frantic, fractured, and desperate
Yet She calls, She signals, She wants
Seeking a way out of the Fiction
Simplicity, connection, growing things beckon
Creative, the unknown wills It’s own comprehension
New forms, ways, and melodies want release
No longer fitting in
Shedding stereotypes of Self, composed and imposed
The not Yet, emerges
Fashioning the future in the Now
Resistance restricts, creating currents and bends in the Flow
The Way eternal is established from the foundations
It is process not procedure
The going and knowing not, is faith and fuel and fertile soil
Strangely familiar recognition
Wraith takes on now friendly flesh
Internal war coming to conclusion
Soul’s solitary homecoming
Incarnation, god in man
Become of the world
But no longer completely of It
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