Quest for the Rose
She took my hand and led me down a path strewn with fresh fallen leaves
Beautiful waves of curls adorned her regal head
The fragrance of fall followed after her
There was a twinkle in her green eyes reflecting the setting sun and the intent of her heart
But I did not miss the deeper layers there, hidden within the flecks of chocolate brown
Like a finely cut gem the glory of her eyes were found in their depths
A portal, a door, an entrance there at her core
Pouty lips pursed with the hint of a grin at their corners
Hopeful yet cautious, willing to give but not to be subjugated
Wild, dangerous, powerful was her beauty
Only the true warrior might find the way
She adorned in the Celtic tradition, blonde hair braided, scarfs protect against the cold
Her warm hand steady as she led me silently down paths I have never trod
She had spoken of a rose, a chalice which holds an elixir granting one eternal life
Not eternity in the pedestrian use which seeks a state of unending time
But rather that existence where all moments become one and makes time irrelevant
Where the deep Soul is quickened, where energy’s frequency transforms matter into spirit
Spirit into matter, where flesh mind and feelings are changed and rearranged, broken and remade
Where the Incarnation again walks the earth in worship and praise and thunders it hallelujah
Together we sought this sacred mound using the signs she had been given
She knew the way if I could but follow, learning with each step to walk the path
I am slow of wit and the lessons were sometimes pressed from me like fruit under a wheel
Sweetness made strong and the lees left behind but only after the ferment and the stillness
She guided me to a fine alabaster column which watched over a pool at its base
Here I learned to listen, to sense, to feel the heartbeat of the land
She led me up the mountain pass where we lingered at the summit nursing the weariness
Renewing ourselves, finding new strength and motivation to reach our goal
We found ourselves more in sync and in rhythm, increasingly aware of the strength and the pounding pulse of the place
As we made our way down the mountains and into the gently curving flatlands, instinct taught us the geography
Our steps were sure, firm here, lighter there, as need be
Our growing anticipation moved us toward the mound and the hopes held hidden there within the valley
As we neared the place, breathless from exertion and anticipation, we slowed our movements
Deliberate, gentle our steps as we entered the valley
The muted light required touch to proceed if we were to find our way to eternity’s passage
The exploration continued until, there behind a slightly parted curtain of the finest silk the Rose was revealed
Trembling, I gazed, pulse rushing, pounding in my ears
I beheld a flower with moist petals glistening with the light from my eyes
I was humbled and filled with adoration, with love
I brought the flower to my lips and as I did I felt the place begin to quake, a storm raged
Thunder, lighting, tempest winds blew, yet my kiss was true and held till the elixir washed over me
To describe what happened after would be to desecrate that holy ground for it was beyond words
And if one would know they must go find the thing for themselves, words would profane the sacred
They must step away from the common and join the quest
Seek the Grail cup and give themselves fully in both seeking and in the finding
And there one will discover themselves in the Other and the other already inhabiting them
She held me there out of time till the trembling stilled, there was only quiet rest
We breathed in and out, slow, long, and deeply, remembering that which we had always known
And the waves of time finally eroded the sand walls and called us back to the place from which we had come
She smiled and took my hand as I led her Home
To have been found worthy humbled me, for it was from no virtue I possessed
But only by and through Her grace was is made so
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