One of my favorite hymns


May you experience the Creator’s grace and the resurrection of the Truth in you.  May you and I continue to awaken and live into that truth.  May we remember the “least of these” in us and in the world.  Blessings!

In that context i resubmit this.  May we all seek the Incarnation.


(Done like an old protest song i.e. Marvin Gaye or early Isley Bro. – Reggae?)

The great Uncle is not your friend.
He would be your master.
And talking heads just keep on talking.
Don’t confuse them with your pastor.

Distraction provides just temporary satisfaction.
But your heart knows the Truth. Your heart knows the Truth.
Awake from the incantation, seek the Incarnation.
The Light shines in the darkness.
Let It shine on you.

Your creed is not the journey.
Though It might lead to journeys end.
Seek the answer to the riddle.
From walking Death to waking Life transcend.

Distraction provides just temporary satisfaction.
But your heart knows the Truth. Your heart knows the Truth.
Awake from the incantation, seek the Incarnation.
The Light shines in the darkness.
Let It shine on you.

Hold lightly to your strength.
And all you think you know.
For the Light shines in the darkness.
And it is in weakness that Grace will grow.

Caesar has no love for you, you’re a number on a page.
Doctrine is a guide, but its just trappings on the stage.
Life is calling you to wake up (now). Shake off the webs they weave.
Step into Reality, become more than you (can) conceive.

Distraction provides just temporary satisfaction.
But your heart knows the Truth. Your heart knows the Truth.
Awake from the incantation, seek the Incarnation.
The Light shines in the darkness.
Let It shine on you.



A few thoughts on My Dad


Father & Daughter

I got this for my birthday this weekend.  It was a precious gift.   (Not the carving but the words)

His eyes are a darker brown, although they look black sometimes

They are covered with skin, his eyelids

They resemble his Native American ancestry – Dark brown or tanned

Springing forth from his brownish eyes and tanned skin is black hair

Though it is the same as his black eyelashes, it is a little different

The rest of his hair has gray brought on by age, kids, finances, stress, worrying, fighting, and mistakes

I like his hair, gray and black

I like the things he used to tickle me with as a child so long ago, his eyelashes

I makes him, Him

His tall, formally lanky figure intimidates some but to me it is familiar

His crooked smile that was passed down to me – That is Home

His warm creative soul is why I am who I am today

This is who I call Dad

This is who others call Mr.

This is who God calls child

He is a man

He is my dad

He is a child

He is me

The Second Half (Audio)




I have skills

I have intelligence

I have proven courage

I am creative and imaginative

I have an easy way with people

I am moderately attractive

I am strong in action

I have access to resources

I am healthy

I have led

I have followed

I am experienced

Yet I sit

I am not lazy

I am accustomed to work

But now even marking white screen with black symbols is an effort

To what end

An act of faith, or a shot in the dark

I have

I have

I am

I am

Yet it all seems a mask, paper mache

Wire, paper, glue and hollow inside

Or perhaps a game played but no longer interesting

I seek a calling

A reason

A vision to manifest

A vocation to which I will submit the second half

A new reality on which to focus what I have and who I am

That I may be remade, renewed, restored, and redeemed

I want to be alive before I die

In submission to the true calling of my Soul

I will find my freedom

Remembering (Audio)


Remembering is not living.  Life happens in the now, in the moment.

To remember is, or can be, to put back together, to gather together fragments of experience in search of meaning.

To remember can also be a seduction, a trap, an endless loop that goes nowhere, leaching life from the body, the Soul.

Remembering can be an addiction used to forestall the coming solitude.  Replaying overdone vignettes, searching through the same old scraps for sustenance.

But solitude is the only path which leads to the answers for questions too deep for words.  Who would join me here?  If only for a moment, or a day.

In the desert be mindful of the gifts you give.  Save, guard your heart’s impulses.  In dry places generosity can quickly evaporate accomplishing nothing.

Wait for a one who also knows solitude.  There the seeds of care will sprout and its roots reach down into the wet depth of life.

Now (Audio)


Once bright.  Source of strength and direction.  Once comforter.  Now quietly desperate.

Stoic face.  Bruised Soul.  Bright smile with dead eyes.

No relief.

Sources of joy now steal strength like the opening of a vein.

Shallow half breaths maintain the body between sighs.

Life is played in minor chords, note by excruciating note.

Time has slowed to the pace of the geologic.

Existence is marked by the rise and fall of continents.

Minutes, hours, days, weeks, even years have no meaning and pass unmarked – unnoticed.

There is only now.

And it has settled upon him like the damp, dark earth.