

The idea of consciousness is just that, an idea. It is the thought not the thinker, much less the observer of the thinking. So many conversations about this can become so complicated, so weird, so serious, that they border on becoming just another religion to be learned, initiated into, believed and practiced. But there is nothing so simple, so easy, so natural. No words or explanations are required. None are possible. Breathe.
Photo – Matt Chambliss

10 thoughts on “Consciousness

  1. What really matters, is that it works. Lowering stress and anxiety, blood pressure etc… Imagine how cool the world would be if we all did it instead of being angry, jealous, mean, or judgmental?

  2. I breathe quite a lot Plato. I used to meditate and watch my thoughts arise and fall. I still don’t understand it but I think it is wonderful.

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