Cry Baby – Audio Update


My daughter painted this the other day and asked me to write a poem for it.  She titled it “Crybaby.” I looked at it for a long time and after observing the obvious I was caught by her eyes.

Music –  Derek and Brandon Fiechter

Cry Baby

Looking past the masks you wear

I can see You there in your eyes

Peering through your windows

I can see your Soul


I feel your fear

I sense the fragrance of your envy

I can taste the dark sadness of you

Willing, wanting to be yet, will not


Comical, cartooned, contortions turned tragic

Captured in Culture’s cul-de-sac

Creativity consumed, consecrated to the warped reflection

Callous, constrained, yet secret tears fall down the well


Youth harbors Eternity’s now stirring seed

Weeping moistens the protective layers of self

Masks hide and safeguard the Soul’s germination

But the seed must die in order to live


Cry Baby is not your name

It is the very way you seek

Cry Baby, suffer

Feel the pain of your disloyalty to You


Surely the seed fears the transformation

The pain of the outer shell splitting

Now vulnerable, alive, alone

Feel the light there in the darkness and reach for the sun


Be still baby, just look in my eyes

I can see you there, I see your beautiful Soul

Let go all that is not You, turn inward to see

The amazing You, you were created to be



22 thoughts on “Cry Baby – Audio Update

  1. This poem is magical not only because of its poignancy and grace, but the story behind it. What a wonderful gift you and your daughter have given each other, melding art and poetry with love in the mix.

  2. I see she’s still got her necklace on. Or is it supposed to be a collar of some kind. Jackie’s art is so easily identifiable as belonging to the same artist. She’s very, very good. Your poem is very deep and exposing. How did Jackie respond to it?

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