The Word
In the beginning was the Word
But, the Beginning of What?
The Beginning of You
Take care with words for Language can control You
They can limit your knowing
You are not a pronoun
Divided 64 times
Seeking a symbol to fit within
Your origin, Your ground IS
You are from before the beginning
Words can Not contain you
Nor give you rest
They are not your home
You groan, you weep, you shout Hallelujah
From a place too deep for words
You give birth to that which is spoken
You ARE . . .
You are not the Name, You are not the Label, the Mask
Persona is a role not the Reality
In the Beginning was the Drama
And the Drama is played with words
You are from Before the Play
And outside the footlights
Step out of the Drama for a little while
Remember the I AM
Hear the Song of You
Feel you particular Frequency
Close your eyes and awaken
Seek the Word yet unspoken
Because . . .
In the Beginning was the Word
Speak the new Word and begin Again
I begin again each and every day! Good on you Plato!