The Color of ME


As part of our “happening” a lady brought a poem written by her son who died in 2013.  We composed a response and included his words.  What I learned was that asking what is the color of me is a much better question than what is my purpose.  The idea of “purpose” is just that, an idea.  It is not real except within the game.  Josh taught me that.  Thank you Josh.


What is the color of my life?

What is it’s fragrance?

What are the numbers of my days?

What is the pattern of my dance?

Who will join me on my way?

I am a doing and a being

Exquisite – Singular – Unique

My color, my fragrance, my pattern, make sense in you

You were strong when I was weak

We are one now and forever

I was with you for a time

You remember when my colors were ablaze

I am with you now till the end of days

Mother, Father, Brother, Sister, Lover

Roles we played for a time

But even when time is no more

I Am we Are still

I am yours and you are mine


21 thoughts on “The Color of ME

  1. THAT was totally awesome! What a wonderful way to connect with your audience. That poem was so poignant. And those young fellas playin’ are so talented. Loved the sax! My favorite instrument, but couldn’t quite hear it till the end. It kind of tied the whole thing up in a pretty bow. :) Goofus, you are just a natural with an audience. That is an art form all in itself. 😉

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