Spring Muse – Audio


Image result for images sun through the clouds spring

I see the Sun’s light waxing and waning through the grey-white billowing clouds

At times muted and cool, glistening like a pearl in candlelight

At others. golden and glorious rays break the bank

Glowing heat radiates and wraps me in It’s smile lighting my way

Such is the dance of Us

Your rising in the morning is my sun

Parting mutes the light but it remains

Softer, cooler pearl white

And I feel It’s presence even when

My eyes are empty with the absence of You


Like drops of nectar from the honeysuckle

Warm. sweet, and fragrant

You are to me

Like the golden glimmering green of Spring’s new growth

You color my world

Like the fresh fragrance of the silvery Spring rains on the grasses

You are the sweetest richest breath in my lungs

You are the newness which never grows tired

Who could weary themselves with Your sweetness

Drinking the sounds of your colors

Or breathing the fragrances of You


11 thoughts on “Spring Muse – Audio

    • The main part of them went on tour of sorts and we never got them back together. We’ve been talking though. I ordered a HD camera. We were talking about recording some more stuff along with the video. Just so you know I really enjoy that you keep stopping by here. Thank you

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