Talking to the Wind (Audio)


This is an older song lyric and came out of a period of solitude.  The theme of wind and Soul reminded me of it.  So I dug it out.

(Jazz – Blues – Country – some anger/strength which builds to the end. Mayer or Clapton or Marvin Gaye)

(Start fairly soft and pointed)
(Could be spoken over instruments the first time through)

(R) I’ve been gone.
There are just some things a man must do alone.
So if they ask you where I’ve been just look at them and grin
And tell them – He’s been talking to the wind.

(1)I’ve been talking to the wind
Telling her the paces that I’ve been
And though she don’t have much to say
I think I like it best that way
And I can feel her tender touch upon my skin

(R) I’ve been gone.
There are just some things a man must do alone.
So if they ask you where I’ve been just look at them and grin
And tell them – He’s been talking to the wind.

(2)I’ve been singing to the breeze
Songs that have put me on my knees
And while she has yet to sing along
I know she understands my songs
And she fills me when it seems too hard to breathe

(Skip chorus – build to end)

(3)I’ve been raging at the storm
Standing at the place where hearts are torn
I look unblinking in her eyes
And I can feel the anger rise
I remember strength. And in the fire I am reborn.

(Finish big and hard with chorus and guitar/drum back to soft finish)

30 thoughts on “Talking to the Wind (Audio)

  1. Sorry. Those last two post sort of spoiled the moment! Please feel free to take them off. (Still giggling… Gawd. I’m in a mood today. Haven’t laughed that much since Amy and I got a bit snockered in Annapolis in 2000. It was ok, though. We had a retired policeman traveling with us. Grin He kept us out of trouble. Well, mostly… 😉 )

    • Just so you don’t get the wrong idea from the mostly, we ended up wandering through a kirk cemetery at midnight eating ice cream cones! Deliciously shivery! (The ice cream, not the cemetery. That was spooky as all get out! I have very low expectations for trouble, don’t I… rolls eyes… God forbid trouble ever really finds me or I’m a goner! o_O )

  2. The room is dimly lit, with the music softly laying down the mood. I imagine you’re sitting upon a stool, perhaps as if on the set of a play, leaning casually against the bar. And when you speak it’s as if to someone we cannot perceive, but we are just eavesdropping in on a conversation.

    Passionate, playful, honest, and an undertone of serious determination.

  3. I’ve always liked this one. Now that I hear you read it I like it even more. I guess you could say you went wind-about! 😀 (like instead of walk-about)

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