Finally Finished!



The crazy thing is after all that I started thinking about putting another ground level deck under it.  I could cut out the window and put a door there.

I would make a deck from about the basil that would extend out over the hill and connect to the other.  Put a porch swing and a privacy fence up.  Right now I am done though. 🙂



I could not stand throwing away the scraps so I made a table.


Will plant herbs here.  I think it will be pretty.

23 thoughts on “Finally Finished!

  1. You guys did such a professional looking job. Even your table is great. Funny, isn’t it, how we can leave all these projects undone forever until we get ready to sell a house? Then everything has to be fixed. Same here. I always wonder if that’s a reflection of mine and Drollery’s relationship…The leaving things be till you CAN’T anymore… Beautiful wooden therapy, my groovy dude.

  2. Did I mention we need a new … let me think… deck, front of house overhang… maybe a whole new house! You’re hired 😉

    Seriously, really beautiful workmanship! And I do like the idea of another patio at the lower level.

    The table you built, when I first saw it, I thought you were making a fountain, like a Zen garden fountain. But I like the idea of herbs!


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