Plato’s Groove 432mhz


Image result for 432mhz image

Had a great time with the guys today!  The new notebooks were put to good use.  We made music that will never be heard again.  But they took notes.  Due to some logistical issues the recording equipment did not make it.  But there was great music and conversation and food and wine.  One of the things we talked about was tuning everything to A-432mhz instead of 440mhz.  It is the natural frequency found in nature.  If any of you like to look into things it is a good youtube subject.  There are some really cool videos showing the math (and for people like me) visuals of the different effect of the tuning on sand and water.  So if you find yourself listening to a future Plato’s Groove and feeling extra groovy it may be because of the tuning. 🙂

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