Garden Update


The babies have grown in the sunshine and everybody seems happy.  Even the eggplants are better after I dusted them with some organic pesticide stuff.  The leaves had taken a lot of damage but new leaves are already replacing the old.  Everything is flowering and getting ready.


I used the cut bamboo from last year to make a trellis for the tomatoes.  I will add a string lattice as they grow.


It won’t be long before I can start picking these.  Fresh vine ripened tomatoes are the best.

20150523_112226In the lower right you can see that the blackberries are beginning to turn.  The Cucamelon vines are growing up the trellis.  It is a job keeping the Golden Zucchini and the tomatoes cut back to give them light for now but soon they will make there own way into the sun and can stand on their own.  New things require some attention in the beginning.  I have started some new things myself lately.  scary, exciting things but I think with a little attention those seeds will grow into something I have never tasted before.


This girl is already producing but she will require some attention.  My meditation and gift from the garden this week is that being intentional does not require tons of work, just intentional action.  Thinking about a garden does not produce a harvest.  There is always the option of providing for oneself from another’s garden.  There is no shame it that.  Their intention and their action made the provision available.  Their business provides jobs, their art provides beauty, their thoughtfulness creates intellectual work that can inform.  For now, at this time in my life it is my task to dream a dream and plant new seeds and act so that there is a new garden, my garden, that has never been before.

20150523_111800The Squash and the Zucchini and the Peppers and the Eggplant and the Tomatoes and the Basil will all become part of a fresh Spring dish I make with chicken and pasta and a little red sauce.  I use Italian seasoning along with some Cajun for a little kick.  The mint I use for edible decorations on desserts.  What the garden is teaching me is that to create a new space is possible even in the midst of a busy and sometimes chaotic life.  There is much that is outside of my personal control and yet there is much within it.  So often we trick ourselves into thinking or trying to wish things or circumstances into existence.  We can find ourselves exhausted having accomplish nothing towards our dreams.  But intention combined with action will bring about change.  The cool thing about me making a new garden in my life is that once the seeds are sown they do most of the work, but I do have to sow them and attend to them a few times a week.  Recently I have sown some new seeds in my life.  Some “crazy” ideas hit me and instead of thinking about them or writing a poem or trying to make the same old crap finally work out differently again, I made some calls, had some conversations.  Low and behold people were receptive to them.  They are still germinating for now but they have been planted.  I will attend to them as I have the Cucamelons and soon under the Creator’s grace I will taste something new that will provide for me.  Are there seeds you may want to sow this week?  Is there something that feels crazy but wont get out of your head?  Sow it! What’s the worst thing that could happen?  Make a call, do some research, send out that email, have that conversation.  You never know what might come up.  Be Groovy! 🙂

22 thoughts on “Garden Update

  1. Loving the fact that our gardens are polar opposites right now. I’ve removed everything worth transplanting and just planted grass seeds yesterday. I love your garden.

  2. Yay you! Farmer Groove! : ) I grew up on a farm, but never heard of a cucamelon before. Is it more like a desert melon or a salad cucumber? Delighted to read of your reaching toward the sun! Groove on!!

  3. I so loved this post, Plato! It was endearing and inspirational. You have the soul of a poet, my friend. I had sowed some seeds too. Apt for spring, huh? Here is to germination, productivity, and a lot of joy. Garden is magic, isn’t it?

  4. Because the weather has been so weird this year, I’m not sure when the heirloom tomatoes at the grower’s market will start appearing, but I can’t wait. 🙂

  5. Ditto on the updates, Calen! I love the garden updates! We are stewards of the gardens we plant outside and of our inner gardens 🙂

    You outer garden is splendid, Plato!

    It’s been a long time since I’ve grown my own veggies. You are SO right, about the taste of the vine ripened tomatoes! I don’t have my own garden this year, but I love sitting outside and watching the yard transform daily! There’s so much going on. We’ve got resident deer (who eat the hostas – and I don’t care because they need some food too) and we have rabbits, and many happy squirrels, and a wonderful couple of groundhogs – not at the same time, as they are loners, and defend their territory. But I’ve had the pleasure of their company last year and this year. And the birds are happily gossiping 🙂

    And from your writing, your inner garden is so thoroughly inspiring.

    Thank you for the update!

  6. PG, I loved your post. Thank you for the wise words and the inspiration! So many seeds to plant and you are right, once planted, they grow in in spite of us. Wonderful post…

  7. Oh, I’m still walking along with you silently observing. I never thought one could glean so much inspiration from watching a piece of earth transform. It’s really quite amazing. I love reading your updates.

  8. In the post you did called “The Gift” you said you could never write like this — but here you are… I am so blessed by what you’ve written as it is pertinent to where I am in my life right now. There is such encouragement and inspiration in your words as we garden along with you, like students following a master gardener. We are watching, listening, learning, preparing to go and till our own little patches of earth in the hopes of growing something that we can take and use to make our lives (or someone else’s) better. Your writing just keeps evolving, keep getting better and better all the time. You are a wonder!

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