Garden Update


I like playing in my garden.  No mater what else is going on there is something there I can do that will make a difference in the outcome.  There is so much in the world that can not be depended on and remains outside of one’s control.  The garden is a place I can go that just is.  I can work a little and even leave it and it will go on without me, always happy for me to return.  I am not the magic there just a steward, a husband to the magic of life that occurs within Her.

20150502_134133I broke down about 20 empty cardboard wine cases to use as a weed barrier.  Then wet them down with water.  It is a good use of what would have been waste and will eventually become part of the soil.  My grandmother used old newspaper in a similar way.

20150502_155255Now there is fresh straw.  Like Epcot, only different.  It makes for a good foundation aesthetically as the plants mature.  It helps with the weed control and retention of moisture during the warmer months.

20150502_141425Gonna give the plants in the raised bed a week or two, then give them some straw to rest on.  As you can see the space I chose was not perfect in terms of the sun’s arc.  There is plenty of morning sun but around two the shade gets to some of the plants.  They will be fine as the sun climbs higher into the sky with the changing seasons.  It reminds me that many times the perfect situation never presents itself.  There always seems to be something in the way.  But what I do know is that perfect fruit can come from imperfect situations.

20150502_141436The Cucamelon seeds have sprouted and are ready to go in the ground.  I’ve planted some and have several to give away to some friends who want to do something a little different.  We should have plenty in a couple months.  This process is so amazing to me.  How is it that we have gotten so far away from the knowledge that sustained my grandparents?

20150502_155232There the are with the tomatoes.  I used some cut bamboo from last year.  I will make them a trellis as the grow.

20150502_185916-1God these pictures suck but they are what I got.  We do what we call “Wine and Jazz” once a month during the warm months at the winery.  You can see an arbor I built three years ago.  Grapes are growing up it.  The flower bed is awaiting the lantania to sprout to fill in between the lavender and the rosemary.

20150502_185825The people are beginning to arrive.  We served mufalattas, red beans and rice, and gumbo, and wine of course.  This is where I usually sit to watch and listen to the music and the people.  Sometimes I get up and talk or serve or to smile at someone.  I gave one guy who was interested in the garden a cucamelon plant to take home and watch grow.  He was fun to talk to.  But mainly now I just watch and listen and think on things.  The band was good.  The lead was a young but very talented jazz standard and R&B singer.  She was really good.  It made me smile and remember when the songs were alive.  Be Groovy!

11 thoughts on “Garden Update

  1. Hey, PG……couldn’t find you any other way, and wondered if you could direct me toward the link that guides us through uploading audio files. I’ve finished my first reading of a recent poem, in Garageband, also transferring it to my iTunes Playlist, but when I click on Add Media and attempt to upload it, my Macbook throws me a series of folder icons, empty when clicked on, with my audiofile sitting above in the pulldown menu, stuck there. Any thoughts on this? Thanks loads, oh deep and thoughtful one. : D R.A.

    • Thank you so much. It is so humbling that someone with your gifts would read my scribbling much less nominate me for something. I am not going to be able to accept though. I am in a place where I can’t fit even one more thing in, even something as affirming as you have given me. You are very talented and I look forward to reading more of your work. Thank you so much.

  2. I did not know what a cucamelon plant was until I Googled it. The garden in my house is taken over by my in laws. Looking at your pictures here give me inspiration. It looks so relaxing, bringing peace and comfort 🙂

  3. Stewardship is the heart of the literal, and our inner garden. There is a sense of the sublime in the painting of your life. I love the evening of jazz, and I imagine there could also be that café type of, people getting up and reading their own poems… just my own wishes for an evening like that.

    Mostly, I love to detail of the kind of work you do with the Green Ones! We’re not growing, though we’re watching the Mother growing up around us. We had our first 80 degree day today! *happy dancing* I wasn’t sure how to act. 🙂

  4. You may not be the magic in your garden, but you are definitely a magician with words. Beautiful. I lose touch of my embodied reality and my garden keeps me grounded to that 🙂 Tell us more about the wine!

  5. You are so in touch with Mother Earth. God said be good stewards. You are the epitome of that. And the lessons you think about as you work (perfect fruit can come from imperfect situations) make it such a rich experience not just for you, but for those you share it with. It’s nice to think of you there working.

    And this: No mater what else is going on there is something there I can do that will make a difference in the outcome. Wow… We should all take a lesson from that. Might help us maintain our sanity a little better.

    It’s interesting to get a peek at a piece of your life you’re passionate about. The music, the building, your care of the business part of the winery. And your green babies are thriving!

    What a beautiful post full of heart!

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