Time (Audio)


March 9, 2013 Life coaching time Milind Jadhav

Time marks the experience of living outside of eternity. the Now.

There are eternal moments which break into time.

Sacred, holy moments.

The experience of time is not living.

It is a consciousness of not.

Perhaps that consciousness is the first signal that one has been disengaged from the flow of the Eternal.

To say that time has flown or that time is dragging is to say that the eternal Now has passed or is longed for.

(Need some jazz behind this one) Groovy

21 thoughts on “Time (Audio)

  1. I think about time way too much. In fact, my gravestone is going to say: Here lies Calen who spent so much time fretting about the past and worrying about the future that she forgot to live in the now… That’s pretty much how it is for me.

    • ROFLMBO!!! (Rolling on floor, laughing my butt off!) I meant the angel! LOL

      I didn’t mind the other guy. Though he kind of reminded me of pirate. You know, you could always put a different picture for each new post you do. Does your site let you do that? I guess it would be a lot of work, though.

  2. Some people are blessed to lose track of time. When they do, they are in the eternal. “For in him we live and move and have our being. As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are his offspring.'” (Acts 17:28) Losing tack of time should be a cause for celebration.

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