Anger Rises (Audio)


Anger rises



It surrounds him like a shield

And energy force to protect and warn

It morphs its shape to suit circumstance

At once thoughtful, empathetic, humorous, kind, or distant

No matter

The form does not change the essence

Anger birthed and energized

Contained in the ferment of the man’s soul

The fruits of his spirit have been pressed

The heat, the anger is not the point

It is merely the by-product of the change

Too little heat – The process stalls

Too much – The wine is ruined

8 thoughts on “Anger Rises (Audio)

  1. I totally agree. (My bloody computer is going to update and shut down in two minutes. Guess I’ll go grab some breakfast. It should be back up by then — the damn thing…)

  2. Im still thinking about it myself. As I rewrite and publish this new stuff I am discovering new things. Most of it was written and put away and not looked at again. I think its a determination, a no to how things were. Just an observation of a change in me

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